Diabetic Eye Screening
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At JSR Opticians we offer a Cataract Screening service where your Optometrist will assess your eyes and decide whether or not you can be referred to the hospital for a full cataract assesment, which may result in surgery.
What are Cataracts?
Cataracts are cloudy patches that develop in the lens of your eye and can cause blurred or misty vision. They are very common and usually appear gradually over time. Younger people can develop cataracts if they have an injury to the eye. Some medical conditions including diabetes or taking some sorts of medication may also cause cataracts. However the main cause is age, although smoking and exposure to sunlight have been linked to getting cataracts.
Cataracts and your vision
Although the early stages of cataracts may not necessarily affect your sight there are some symptoms, non of which involve obvious pain. Many people with a cataract notice that they have a change in prescription. You may feel that your vision is less clear and find bright lights such as headlights and streetlights very dazzling. Colours may become faded or yellowed. If you experience any of these symptoms, do not hesitate to make an appointment to see us.
Treating Cataracts
If your cataract is affecting your daily life and the aid of glasses is having no effect on improving this your Optometrist may refer you to an Opthomologist who will asses you and decide whether the operation is suitable for you.
The only proven treatment for cataracts is surgery. The surgery involves removing the cataract (cloudy lens) and replacing it with a clear one. The surgery is carried out under a local anaesthetic and is very safe. Once you have had the cataract succesfully removed it will not return.
If cataract surgery is carried out you will be referred back to your optometrist for a post op eye examination after a few weeks.
What is Glaucoma
The eye ball contains a fluid called aqueous humour which is constantly produced by the eye, with any excess drained through tubes. Glaucoma develops when the fluid cannot drain properly and pressure builds up, known as the intraocular pressure. This can damage the optic nerve (the optic nerve connects the eye to the brain) and the nerve fibres from the retina. This may affect one or both eyes.
Who does it effect
Anyone can develop glaucoma. The risk of developing glaucoma goes up if you are:
Aged over 40
Very short-sighted
Of African or Caribbean origin
Closely related to someone with Glaucoma
The risk of glaucoma goes up as you get older. If one of your parents or children, a brother or sister has Glaucoma, and you are over 40 the NHS will pay for your eye examination.
The Risks
Because you can’t always feel the pressure in the eye and the damage happens slowly, you may not know you have Glaucoma until the damage has been done. This damage is irreversible so it is extremly important that you have regular eye examinations.
If you have glaucoma but do not treat it, your eyesight will gradually get worse, and you could eventually go blind.
However treatment with eye drops may prevent this.
Testing for Glaucoma
Having regular eye tests is the best way to catch Glaucoma in its early stages. The optician will carry out a few tests to determine whether or not you suffer from Glaucoma.
The first test involves the Optometrist looking at the nerve at the back of the eye using a special torch called an Ophthalmoscope, or a machine called a slit lamp. They may also take a photograph of the nerve. Your eye pressure will also be checked on every visit. Another test will involve your Optometrist checking your visual fields – how far you can see around you when looking straight.
If you want more information on the Covid-19 Urgent Eye Service (CUES) it can be found below